020 km

    Studio Territorio Ticino

    Un laboratorio dell’Accademia di architettura dell’USI

    In pursuing its aims Studio Territorio Ticino avails of five activity types that are self-contained and complementary, allowing the area and its issues to be investigated from multiple angles.

    Interventions in loco: worksites, often involving the participation of students; these alter the conditions of a place with works executed on a scale of 1:1 and underscore the importance of understanding an area via concrete action.

    Design studios: teaching modules lasting six months and held at the Academy of Architecture of USI that explore a topic assigned via the specific designs developed by the many students involved.

    Publications: publishing initiatives which may consist in timely articles in magazines and books aimed at engaging in and contributing to the debate on specific subjects of interest.

    Research mandates: research projects commissioned by the Canton, whether by an individual municipality or others, which allow active participation in the transformation of the area and offer potential support to the decision processes imposed by the new planning tools, which often require the fielding of wide-ranging strategic visions.

    Single initiatives: additional, self-driven and commissioned activities characterised by their specific nature and limited duration; these constitute a flexible tool with which to explore lateral research areas and trigger new thinking.